I need to thank you because half of these posts come from all of you. Each intrepid guest bloggers and reader have kept me writing, have spurred me on and I thank God for you every week. So, congratulations to you and to me for making it to 100!
5 years ago I watched Julie and Julia and said to my husband, “I’m gonna do that!” “Learn to cook?” he asked hopefully. “No,” I replied. “I am going to chronicle a year of my life, maybe even longer. I need some sort of theme though. Some sort of focus to this journey.”
We thought about it for weeks. I decided I wanted to get serious about writing. So, my goal was to blog until I got published. That first year, I met so many wonderful people around the blogosphere. I wrote about all sorts of things. It got hard to think up things I felt were blog worthy.
4 years ago a couple of things happened. First, I got freaked out that readers might think I was unstable and totally crazy. Second, I got terribly sick during my first pregnancy. And so, after only 40 mediocre posts I shut it down.

-We had to move within a month because our old apartment was not de-leaded.
-We were given the opportunity to live in the most incredible 3 story house with friends and a saintly landlady.
-David and I went to 12 hours of natural child birthing classes
-I had my first child in a birth center and was home less than 12 hours later.
-I struggled with severe postpartum depression.
-Friends, family, coworkers and even strangers helped me look to God and find hope.
-I went back to work full time while my incredible sister-in-law came to live with us and watch my baby boy each and every day.
-I found out I was pregnant with my second baby.
-I almost lost her 2 times, I was in the emergency room, bleeding, grieving and yet somehow each time they found a heartbeat.
-She was born 5 weeks early, in a hospital with several doctors to catch her and see if she needed to go straight to the NICU. But I got to hold her. She was 6 pounds, beautiful and perfect.
-We decided I was going to try and stay home full time with the kids for a year.
And somewhere amidst all that life the blog started back up. I don’t worry about being blog worthy anymore. I just write...and giveaway stuff when I can.... and invite all of you to share your talent and thoughts here...and I love it!
I’m hoping for at least 100 more posts.
Scout will always have a place in my heart, and that was solidified when the tears filled my eyes reading about her heart beat! I love reading what you write...your honest heart...your transparency...your crazy...your awesome family...and that our boys like to hangout together.
ReplyDeleteHappy 5 years/100 posts!