It had my name on it...well K.D. Simington, the name I use when I write and am trying to channel my inner P.D. James (or J.R. Dietrich). It announced me as the winner of Laura Frantz’s new historical fiction Love’s Awakening.
I, in typical Katie fashion, went beserk! (just like the hippos in Sandra Boynton Book which I’ve read it to James probably 500 times today.)
I couldn’t believe that people do this. Amazing bloggers like Anne and Jaimie give stuff away to their readers!
I immediately decided that I MUST do this. I had to pay it forward somehow. Seriously, what a great way to thank you for coming here, for reading, sharing, hopefully laughing at/with me.
However, I ran into two problems...
Problem #1) What should I give away?
You see we are living on one income this year for the first time ever and we have one more child than we had before. Even someone as bad at math as I am can see that we have had to tighten our belts a size or five. But I was determined that I would have a giveaway on this blog. Here is my inner dialogue about my dilemma
First- “I’ll give away my prized USC jersey from the championship game they lost in 2006...Yes, I was there! I cheered I cried and I no longer fit in that jersey.”
Voice of reason, “No: too sentimental and too sweat stained.”
Second- “I’ll give away a Yankee candle. After all, they are one of my favorite things about autumn and they smell delightful.”
Voice of reason “No: too heavy to mail and too random.”
Third- “I’ll give away library books. I love the book I checked out last week, I should give that away.”
Voice of reason, “Was that a serious idea?! Just in case it was... giving away library book is too illegal and too weird.”
So, I texted my husband about my big win and asked him what he thought. We decided on a legal, non weird, light weight, un-sweat-stained $10 Starbucks gift card.
Problem #2) How do I decide who wins?
I figured I’d take a page (not literally) from Coffee Cups and Camisoles and ask you to answer 3 questions to throw your hat into the ring of this first ever blog giveaway.
Question 1: Would you most like to read a memoir, a historical fiction book or a collection of essays and poems?
Question 2: If you were to read a historical fiction book would you chose a book set in: the 1800s on the underground railroad, World War II around Boston, the 1990s during the fall of the Soviet Union?
I will announce the winner next week. Until then...
1) Historical fiction - it can be my transition into fiction that's NON CS Lewis
ReplyDelete2) WWII... Nerd Secret, I love WWII history.
3) A basketball tournament back to back years.. nothing from a drawing or raffle of any sort.
Once you've read C.S. Lewis it is hard to ever go back to anything else...which reminds me, I guess I better move "writing unparalleled insightful books" higher up on my bucket list. :)
Delete1) historical fiction (want to read more of this genre, and really enjoyed the Mark of the Lion series.)
ReplyDelete2) Underground Railroad
3) Sparkle Award after a choir concert! :-) (the word Sparkle written out in glitter on construction paper with a chocolate bar)
Ok, the sparkle award sounds like the best award ever! And I too loved the Mark of the Lion series.
Delete1. Collection of Essays and Poems
ReplyDelete2. Soviet Union 1900's
3. I guessed the correct weight of a GIANT pumpkin at a winery and won a free wine tasting party for 4 (which I never did end up cashing in on, and instead got a free bottle of wine last year when I reminded the winery about the pumpkin-guessing win from many years ago)
How much do I wish I could have been there to see the giant pumpkin and more recently to listen to you cash in your prize years later:)
Delete*1990's :)
ReplyDelete1. Historical Fiction
ReplyDelete2. 1990's
3. Remember when I won that black light chalk drawing at Keswick? I think that's the coolest/only thing I've ever won. I wish I had somewhere to display it!
Oh my gosh!!! I haven't thought about that black light drawing in forever! But it was seriously so cool! I love our Keswick memories and miss our adventures together so much.