Confession time: I watch Game of Thrones... obsessively and.... yes there is gratuitous violence, nudity, incest and other atrocities that shall not be named. Still, something about it fascinates me and makes me think in new ways about life, death and power. I think often of something a coworker mentioned once long ago, in the first season, "No one is sacred, anyone can die." The mortality and the sinfulness of both the most lovable and hatable characters reminds me ironically enough of a scripture, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." No one deserves that wretched Iron Throne (although I have my theories) and all have lied, betrayed, killed, stolen or worse. Westeros and Essos may be fantasy but "All good fantasy has a solid base in reality."*. So, I got to thinking....

If I was really and truly a character from Game of Thrones who would I be? I began to take stock in a deeper way, considering all aspects of my life, not just who is my “spirit animal" (
Tyrion Lannister according to Buzzfeed) or who I
wish I would be (
Ygritte, if you must know). And who I came up with would be one of my last choices...

Being a mother rules out most of the women I most identify with in a fantastical sense:
I am no cold blooded
Arya, no cynical
Sansa, nor beautifully manipulative Margaery Tyrell. I am no single-mindedly brash Brianne of Tarth. I only wish I could be the multilingual
But though I have a career and grew up dreaming of being a fighter, there are other things that define me and nothing more than the children I have borne and the way I love them.
So, I look at the mother figures I might resemble if I lived in the land of Fire and Ice:

Daenerys Targaryen- Mother of Dragons….but I feel like she is really more of a dog mom. Her love is deep and real but her children’s needs are slightly different than most mom’s experience.
Cersei Lannister- God forbid- She is the original helicopter indulgent parent. She would totally blame a teacher for her child’s teacher for a B+ rather than be okay with it or think maybe her child needs a good hard spanking.
Olenna Tyrell- Too old and rich- She’s a force to be reckoned with and I love that. However, I just don’t think I have a murderer deep inside of me. But… all bets are off if one day I have grandkids and one of them is betrothed to a known sociopath.
Caitlin Stark- In a way the one who started it all- Still, she is northern, strong, loves her sister and devoted to her husband, all things I find to be integral to how I would like to define myself. But her encouragement of Arya to fit in and her rejection of Jon Snow just feels wrong. Never-mind, the way she keeps her waist length hair pristine and waltzes around in beautiful gowns. I'm just not noble or proper enough.

So, that leaves
Gilly…The Wildling, Samwell Tarly rescues. She and I are more alike than simply our shared English curse of poor dental hygiene. She is a survivor. Her manners may be terrible, and her awkwardness abounds. She knows nothing about being a mother except making sure her son survives. I complain way more than she ever would but as a character I share her feelings of shame or embarrassment in a world I don’t full belong to. I also share her amazement not only that someone could love me and does, but that someone is a man who noble, wise and brave. And perhaps it is this other worldliness not magic or power but simple lessons you can only learn in the school of hard knocks that will make her a major player. She knows there really is a battle between good and evil. She has first hand experience of the terrifying rituals of the Night King. She has faith and she has love. I guess the more I think about it, the more I flatter myself with the comparison.
* I am not in any way encouraging or condoning watching graphic content. It simply was a catalyst that got me thinking more about my real life, about who I really am. I hope it gets you thinking too. What matters most? Beneath the obvious who values what you value?